Devoted omo of Obatala, I stand as a clear channel of ancestral wisdom, a divine messenger.

In the realm of energy healing, I, Imoore Ayo, hold the titles of Reiki Master, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Life Transformation Guide and Certified Yoga Teacher. My exploration spans the cosmic dimensions as I study the stars, planets, lunar phases, colors, crystals, seasons, and senses. A sensual metaphysician, I am also a mother and a lover, seamlessly weaving the mystical and the magical into my existence.

In this cosmic dance, I, Imoore Ayo, am divine. Serving as a conduit between realms, I deliver messages from the spirit realm with unwavering truth, clarity, and compassion.

Your journey to this sacred space is not a coincidence; it is a divine alignment. I’m grateful for the convergence of time that has led you to find yourself here. May this space be a sanctuary for your soul's exploration and a beacon of guidance on your spiritual path. Embrace the unfolding journey of self-discovery and divine connection.

About Me

In the sacred space where divine energy meets earthly wisdom, I embody the roles of Oracle, Spiritual Healer, and Diviner, channeling the essence of High Priestess energy.

What I do

The intention of Onyx & Sage Healing Arts is to curate spiritually expansive events and experiences, offering personalized private spiritual guidance, ritual work, and metaphysical products and services. I believe in the power of spiritual practices as catalysts for deeply transformative outcomes. In crafting this haven, we draw inspiration from our brand’s namesake elements: Onyx and Sage.


Black onyx is one of the most potent protection stones, known for its ability to repel negative energy. Just as onyx is a strength-giving stone, we aspire to provide unwavering support in the face of difficult or confusing circumstances. We aim to build self-confidence and help you find ease in the midst of adversity. Our prayer is that you align with peace, prosperity, and divine purpose, mirroring the attributes of this powerful gem.


Sage, defined as a profoundly wise person, is a symbol of wisdom, judgment, and experience. In the realm of herbs, sage is renowned for its healing properties and association with wisdom. At Onyx & Sage Healing Arts, we embody the essence of sage as we guide you on your spiritual journey, offering profound wisdom, judgment, and experience to illuminate your path.

Onyx & Sage Services

  • Soul Space Reiki School

    Soul Space Reiki School is a sacred journey into the art of Reiki. Explore the mysteries of energy, chakras, and intuitive abilities in our First and Second-Degree Reiki Attunement courses. Unlock the power of distant healing and lay the foundation for a professional Reiki practice.

    Enroll now

  • Reiki Energy Healing

    Experience a rejuvenating Reiki session, where energetic assessment and tarot divination guide the healing process. As a master healer, I mend and heal on physical, emotional, and astral levels. Sessions offer integration exercises, with the option for ongoing spiritual mentorship.

    Register now

  • Tarot/ Oracle Divination

    Explore the depths of your journey with Tarot/Oracle Intuitive Readings. Uncover yourshadows and illuminate your path as Tarot reveals the essence of your current life situation, challenges, and avenues for healing and personal growth.

    Book your reading

  • Soul Space Retreats

    Renew your mind with our Soul Space Retreat,a haven for connecting with your divine purpose. Amidst nature, renew your mind, recharge your body, and realign with your sacred mission. Indulge in delicious food and sacred plant medicine for profound self-discovery.

    Learn more ➙

  • Goddess Ritual Ceremony

    Embrace the illuminating power of sacred plant medicine in a personalized setting, guided by experienced facilitators. Feel the depths of self-discovery, emotional release, and spiritual awakening. Book a private session to begin sacred journey towards holistic well-being.

    Schedule your ceremony

  • Onyx & Sage Botanica

    Shop our curated collection of conjure oils, cleansing baths, adornments, sacred smoke, and more. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sacred botanicals and elevate your spiritual journey with our unique offerings.

    Shop now

What people are saying about Onyx & Sage…


Thank you Universe for creating this divine healing space. I am grateful for the love that was poured into the session that I had with TaNay. All I had to do was step away from my busy life for an hour so that I could sit and be refilled.”

— Tasha R.

I highly recommend this business to anyone that has adrenal gland depletion, anxiety or area doubting your worthiness around truly living an abundant life.”

— Angel B.


I left with clear energy and cracked wide open heart. Ready to be elevated to the next level in my life. Thank you for sharing your gifts.”

—Lorena L.

I let anxiety take over my life for too long. Now I have the strength to control my emotions.”

— Victoria G.